Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Flow with Ro, Connect with Christy

Over Father's Day weekend, I had the lovliest experience co-teaching a somatic improvisation workshop with my friend and mentor Christy Funsch. It was a somatic smorgasborg. After tapping our cortices, we underscored, we rounded down, we flexed our femurs, we freed our necks, we shared vinyasas and we palpated each others' psoases (the filet mignon of the body). It was so juicy and fun. Highlights include being in the brick-lined, airy Kunst-Stoff Arts Studio, decomposing to the grungy sounds of Soundgarden, gazing out the windows at downtown SF then gazing inside at our own marvelous mechanics, underscoring with Rosemary Hannon: my contact improv priestess, the scapula train, and banana roll. It was so enjoyable both being led and leading an intimate group of movers through a variety of practices and improv scores. More, more, more.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Studio 2/15/2010

Here are some images of the South Beach studio I share with my dear friends Jan and Cheryl. There is wonderful light and energy there. In the video, shot sideways by Ed, talking about his book project, I'm working on a "chandelier" made out of bike rims, film reels, film, and fabric.

YouTube clip of Macbeth by Rapid Descent

Here's me on Mother's Day as Lady Mac in a snippet of Macbeth. It's a sampling of an upcoming production (that I may or may not be in) by Rapid Descent. RD is the offspring of Megan Finlay, a sharp, foxy director who hails from Sidney, Australia, England and the States. I met Megan in a contact improv workshop and enjoyed her "mixed tape" at our closing contact jam.

Lady Mac was very new territory for me, my first stab at Shakespeare. Bear in mind this excerpt is in the early stages of development. Still, I wish we had played more with my character and Mac and Lady's relationship--Lady M looks (and felt) a bit stilted to me. But there are some charged moments, especially between Macbeth and the ghost of Banquo.

This is the banquet scene. Mac has just learned that his orders to kill Banquo have been carried out. During the banquet Mac first encounters his ghost.
